Recuperamos ediçons digitais integrais do Prontuário e do Estudo Crítico
Dentro da nossa linha de recuperaçom de textos históricos de interesse, começamos trazendo pola primeira vez à internet duas obras imprescindíveis na história do reintegracionismo contemporáneo.
O Estudo Crítico das Normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas do idioma galego (ILG-RAG), na sua ediçom de 1983; e o Prontuário Ortográfico Galego (1985).
A primeira delas supom o desenvolvimento do argumentário científico reintegracionista como crítica das normas isolacionistas elaboradas polo ILG e a RAG e impostas pola Junta da Galiza de Alianza Popular em 1982. A continuaçom, a obra incorpora a proposta alternativa do reintegracionismo.
A segunda obra que disponibilizamos é o Prontuário Ortográfico Galego, de 1985, que constitui umha descriçom pormenorizada e sistemática da ortografia padrom proposta pola Comissom Lingüística da AGAL.
As duas obras sustentam desde aqueles anos a prática dos crescentes setores sociais galegos que apostam numha norma nacional incorporada ao ámbito internacional de fala galego-portuguesa. É por isso que julgamos importante, umha vez que ambas estám esgotadas e fora da circulaçom editorial impressa, facilitar a qualquer pessoa interessada o acesso.
54015 comentários
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
If you need lumber at low prices, then you have come to the right place. Our company offers a wide range of high quality lumber at the best prices on the market. We cooperate only with reliable suppliers, which allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our products.
You can buy boards, beams, wooden beams, plywood, OSB plates and much more from us. We are ready to offer you optimal solutions for any construction project. Our official website: https://woodeka.ru / Regimental board: https://woodeka.ru/doska-polkovaya Lining: https://woodeka.ru/vagonka
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